Sadly the club lost Frank Bristow earlier this year. Frank was one of our ‘Champions of Campions’ a double King George V cup winner. The NRCC are pleased to announce that the Second Part of the Frank & George Bristow entire clearance sale will be held on Saturday 7th December 2024 at the clubs ‘Day of Champions at Spalding. Further details will follow and the club extend their gratitude to George Bristow and auctioneer Stuart Wilcox in allowing the club to host the sale. I am confident that many future champions will be bred from the Bristow birds. Further details please contact Stuart on 07715 166066
Frank Bristow – Part 2.
On Saturday the 7th of December at the NRCC Champion of ChampionS Day, Springfields Event Centre, Camelgate, Spalding PE12 6ET
Viewing will be from 10.00am with the sale starting at 11.30am
Lot 1 18 Z 25443 Slate H Super hen Sire 16/243 a son of OSCAR 1st Sect 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles also 1st Club, 1st Fed 1st MSC & RPRA Award and BRIGITTE BORDEUAX 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux 553 miles by 29 ypm, gdtr of Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and North Star, 400 miles on the day as YB from Angers and flew Tarbes on the day. Dam B16/643 Direct Eric Ceulemns, from his friend Gert Lambrechts.
Lot 2 18 Z 25489 Blue H A gdtr of Kezie, G-sire to 2 x 1st MNFC. Sire 13/579 a son of from Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick when paired to “996” 5 x 1st + RPRA Award. Dam 10/513
Lot 3 18 Z 25492 Cheq H A dtr of Georges Boy 1st Open MNFC Vire 6917b, (7 mins Lead). GSire OSCAR 1st Sect 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 milesalso 1st Club, 1st Fed 1st MSC & RPRA Award. GDam Miss Perfect (Casseart) stock hen, dam to the sire of 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux, from Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick when paired to “996” 5 x 1st + RPRA Award. Dam 17/706 from Nigel multiple 1st Fed winner and EM RPRA Aprint Champion and Josie 1st MNFC YLG Classic and RPRA Award winner.
Lot 4 18 Z 25494 Blue H Double G-dtr Brigittte Bordeaux. Sire 16/834 a son of OSCAR 1st Sect 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles also 1st Club, 1st Fed 1st MSC & RPRA Award and BRIGITTE BORDEUAX 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux 553 miles by 29 ypm, gdtr of Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and North Star, 400 miles on the day as YB from Angers and flew Tarbes on the day. Dam 15/415 A dtr of Kezie and Brigitte Bordeaux.
Lot 5 18 Z 25496 Cheq C A direct son of Elton. Sire ELTON 2nd Open NRCC Lerwick 2013, only beaton by Oscar, Dam 10/374 from Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick when paired to Jezzie 1st Club, 2nd Section 2nd Open hurso 413 miles as a yearling.
Lot 6 18 Z 25499 Cheq C a direct son of OSCAR 1st Sect 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles also 1st Club, 1st Fed 1st MSC & RPRA Award and BRIGITTE BORDEUAX 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux 553 miles by 29 ypm, gdtr of Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and North Star, 400 miles on the day as YB from Angers and flew Tarbes on the day.
Lot 7 19 Z 36009 Blue H 100% Ceulemans, from B15 6286025 a son of Car winner from Bourges and B17 6164593 from the birds of Geert Lambrechts.
Lot 8 19 Z 36011 Blue H Ceulemans from B15/003 bred by Ceulemans for stock and 17/985 from Super 18 son of De Pikker, super racer and breeder. Gdam is B12/988.
Lot 9 19 Z 36046 Cheq C bred from Sire 13/035 from Olympic Gold, SD Olympiade in Dortmond winner of 9 x 1st and B07/021 from Eric Cuelemans. Dam 15/004 a gdtr of Briggette Bordeaux.
Lot 10 19 Z 36335 Pencil WF H direct from OSCAR 1st Sect 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles also 1st Club, 1st Fed 1st MSC & RPRA Award and BRIGITTE BORDEUAX 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux 553 miles by 29 ypm, gdtr of Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and North Star, 400 miles on the day as YB from Angers and flew Tarbes on the day.
Lot 11 19 Z 36369 Cheq C from Sire 17/752 a double gson of Brigette Bordeaux. Dam 16/722 from Nigel multiple 1st Fed winner and EM RPRA Aprint Champion and Josie 1st MNFC YLG Classic and RPRA Award winner.
Lot 12 19 Z 36392 Blue H bred from Sire 16/299 ½ brother of Rosse 1st NAT Kampieon Duivenblad Belgium for Eric Ceulemans. Dam ERICA 2x 1st NRCC section, many wins from two direct Ceulemans.
Lot 13 20 P 27835 Blue C A super G-son of from Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick when paired to “996” 5 x 1st + RPRA Award.
Lot 14 20 Z 41516 Dark H Ceulemans x Geert Lambrecht a gson of The Super 16 who won 6000 euro as a yb, and 004 3 x 1st.
Lot 15 20 Z 41526 Dark H from Sire B17/596 from Geert Lambrechts and Dam 17/761 a dtr of Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick when paired to a dtr of Brigitte Bordeaux/
Lot 16 20 Z 42528 Cheq H a gdtr of Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick, BRIGITTE BORDEUAX 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux 553 miles and Georges Boy 1st Open MNFC Vire.
Lot 17 20 Z 41531 BP H 100% Dirk Vervoort from B19/776 from Blauwe Soetewye sire of 11th NAT Issoudon 11984b, 1st Asduif Beyers Jo, from De Blauwe Soete sire of 1st Prov Salbris,1st Arlon etc and Het Blauwke. GDam Mooi Blauwke dam of 7th NAT La Soutteriane 18588b, 11th Nat Issoudun 11984b, *This is the number 1 pair of Dirk Vervoort. Dam B18/452 from Den Blauwe Wittekop.
Lot 18 16 Z 18512 Cheq C 1st Section MNFC Chale and 3rd ACE Pigeon as YB. Sire FATHER ROSSI the sire of Rossi 1st ACE Sprint Champion of Belgium “Duivenblad” sire and gsire of winners in UK & Belgium for K N Ceulemans. Dam DTR JOSIE a dtr of Josie 1st Yearling Classic, 1st SECT MNFC Carentan, 1st Section 1st FED Fougeres, 2nd Section Vire, Winner of Queens Diamond Jubilee Tranter Loft & 1st RPRA Region award.
Lot 19 16 Z 18782 Blue C a direct from the Bridesmaid Pair. Sire ELTON 2nd Open NRCC Lerwick NRCC 2013 (BBLM). Dam CASSIE 1st Club 2nd Section 2nd Open Thurso 413 miles as a yearling, Dam won 5 x 1st and 15th Open NFC.
Lot 20 16 Z 18835 Cheq C a priceless direct child of Champion Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles and Gsire to 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux. Dam Dtr Bordeaux a dtr of Brigitte Bordeaux 1st Open Bordeaux 553 miles.
Lot 21 16 Z 18871 Pencil C bred down from Streeter 20 x 1st and 5 x 1st Fed. Sire 12/147 exceptional racer from son Streeter and Ceulema 80. Dam 12/351 Gdtr of Nadaq 1st NAT Brive.
Lot 22 16 Z 18999 Blue/P C Super national breeding 500 North and South. Sire OSCAR 1st Section 1st Open LRCC Lerwick 503 miles, a gson of Olympic Gold 9 x 1st and UK Olympiade Gold Medal Winner Dortmund, Dam BRIGITTE BORDEUAX 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux 553 miles by 29 ypm, gson of Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and North Star, 400 miles on the day as YB from Angers and flew Tarbes on the day.
Lot 23 16 Z 72251 Cheq/P C both parents are multiple 1st prize winners. Sire FAVORIOT 1st Fed Berwick plus many other top prizes from Super 16 winner of £6K and 004 3 x 1st Dam ERICA one of the very best hens, 2 x 1st Section NRCC and many 1st Clubs, her sire won 20 x 1st plus 2 x 1st Section NRCC from Dunbar & Perth.
Lot 24 16 Z 72260 Blue H bred down from Streeter 20 x 1st and 5 x 1st Fed. Sire 12/147 exceptional racer from son Streeter and Ceulema 80. Dam 12/351 Gdtr of Nadaq 1st NAT Brive.
Lot 25 16 Z 72297 Cheq C both parents are multiple 1st prize winners. Sire FAVORIOT 1st Fed Berwick plus many other top prizes from Super 16 winner of £6K and 004 3 x 1st Dam ERICA one of the very best hens, 2 x 1st Section NRCC and many 1st Clubs, her sire won 20 x 1st plus 2 x 1st Section NRCC from Dunbar & Perth.
Lot 26 16 Z 72298 Cheq C both parents are multiple 1st prize winners. Sire FAVORIOT 1st Fed Berwick plus many other top prizes from Super 16 winner of £6K and 004 3 x 1st Dam ERICA one of the very best hens, 2 x 1st Section NRCC and many 1st Clubs, her sire won 20 x 1st plus 2 x 1st Section NRCC from Dunbar & Perth.
Lot 27 17 Z 19559 SCHALIE C A g-son of Champion Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles and Gsire to 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux. Gdam is Casaert Hen 5 x 1st & 15th Open NFC
Lot 28 17 Z 19713 Cheq C A gson of the world famous NASDAQ 1st NAT La Soutteriane 7154b and Gsire of 1st NAT Brive 7446b etc. Dam Dtr Josie 1st Yearling Classic, 1st SECT MNFC Carentan, 1st Section 1st FED Fougeres, 2nd Section Vire, Winner of Queens Diamond Jubilee Tranter Loft & 1st RPRA Region award.
Lot 29 17 Z 19762 Blue H direct from the super Kezie. Champion Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles and Gsire to 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux. Dam Dtr Bordeaux a dtr of Brigitte Bordeaux 1st Open Bordeaux 553 miles.
Lot 30 13 X 4117 B/PIED H CHAMPION BRIGITTE BORDEUAX 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux 553 miles by 29 ypm, gson of Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and North Star, 400 miles on the day as YB from Angers and flew Tarbes on the day.
Lot 31 20 Z 41553 Cheq H Inbred to Bridgitte Bordeaux. Sire 15/181 a direct son of KEZIE 1st Open NRCC Lerwick & Brigitte Bordeaux 1st MNFC Bordeaux. Dam 15/772 a full sister to Bridgitte Bordeaux.
Lot 32 20 Z 41560 Blue/P H inbred to best Lerwick performers. Sire SON ELTON a son of Elton 2nd Open Lerwick etc and a dtr of Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick. Dam 15/415 a direct dtr of Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick & Brigitte Bordeaux 1st MNFC.
Lot 33 20 Z 41583 Blue/P H direct from Georges Boy. Sire Georges Boy 1st Open MNFC Vire 6917b, (7 mins Lead). GSire OSCAR 1st Sect 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles also 1st Club, 1st Fed 1st MSC & RPRA Award. GDam Miss Perfect (Casseart) stock hen, dam to the sire of 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux, from Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick when paired to “996” 5 x 1st + RPRA Award. Dam Vera a direct from Dirk Vervorrt.
Lot 34 20 Z 41590 DCheq C a g-child of OSCAR 1st Section 1st Open LRCC Lerwick 503 miles, a gson of Olympic Gold 9 x 1st and UK Olympiade Gold Medal Winner Dortmund, and BRIGITTE BORDEUAX 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux 553
Lot 35 20 Z 41642 Blue H on the sire side you have Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and a dtr of B17-6109977 bred by Geert Lambrechts.
Lot 36 20 Z 41662 Cheq C well-bred Ceulemans from son of Father Rossi and Cilla. Dam is a g-dam of KEZIE 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles and 5 x 1st and 15th Open NFC RPRA winner NW Region.
Lot 37 20 Z 41684 Pencil H inbred to Oscar 1st Section 1st Open LRCC Lerwick 503 miles and Kezie 1st Open NRCC 503 miles and Gsire of Brigitte Bordeaux.
Lot 38 21 N 42128 Dark/P H ½ sister to Nigel 1st Sprint ACE RPRA Awards etc and Gdtr Georges Boy 1st Open MNFC Vire when paired to Nigel and Josie.
Lot 39 21 Z 52225 Blue C 2 x 1st Stoney Cross 148 miles from 158 birds and 169 birds.
Lot 40 22 Z 35913 Blue H a g-child of Blauwe Soetewye sire of 11th NAT Issoudon 11984b, 1st Asduif Beyers Jo, from De Blauwe Soete sire of 1st Prov Salbris,1st Arlon etc and Het Blauwke. Gdam Mooi Blauwke dam of 7th NAT La Soutteriane 18588b, 11th Nat Issoudun 11984b, *this is the number 1 pair of Dirk Vervoort. Gdam Den Blauwe Wittekop.
Lot 41 22 Z 35929 Blue C 100% Cuelemans inbred to Father Rossi, Rossi won 1st ACE Sprint Champion of Belgium “Duivenblad” sire and gsire of winners in UK & Belgium for K N Ceulemans.
Lot 42 22 Z 35949 Blue H 100% Cuelemans inbred to Super 16 winner of 6000 euro from De Pikker a racer for K N Ceulemans.
Lot 43 22 Z 36018 Cheq H a gdtr of Georges Boy 1st Open MNFC Vire 6917b, (7 mins Lead) from OSCAR 1st Sect 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles also 1st Club, 1st Fed 1st MSC & RPRA Award and John’s Choice 1st Section 1st Open Lessay MNFC 6313b
Lot 44 22 Z 36028 Cheq H a gdtr of FAVORIOT 1st Fed Berwick plus many other top prizes from Super 16 winner of £6K and 004 3 x 1st and ERICA one of the very best hens, 2 x 1st Section NRCC and many 1st Clubs, her sire won 20 x 1st plus 2 x 1st Section NRCC from Dunbar & Perth.
Lot 45 22 Z 36066 Blue H Cuelemans and a gdtr of BRIGITTE BORDEUAX 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux 553 miles.
Lot 46 22 Z 36148 Mealy C top cock, a g-son of ELTON 2nd Open Lerwick 2013, OSCAR 1st Section 1st Open and Brigitte Bordeaux 1st Open MNFC.
Lot 47 22 Z 36153 BWF C bred down from 05/675 Olympic Gold Medal winner Short Distance Dortmund and Josie 1st Yearling Classic and 1st Section MNFC Carenton, 1st Fed Fougere etc.
Lot 48 22 Z 36158 Blue C from the blood of OSCAR 1st Section 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 2013 and 503 miles and KEZIE 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and Gsire of 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux.
Lot 49 22 Z 36187 Blue C 100% Dirk Vervoort. Sire B17/308 from SPRINTER KLAAS Brother to 11th NAT Bourges 9356b, 35th NAT Bourges 18826b 116th NAT Montlucon 11056b, 21st Sourdun 2845b etcfrom Olympic Sprinter and Klaastje 14th NAT Chateauroux 4757b, 29th NAT Bourges 8003b, 24th Gien 7916b, 10th Montlucan 1932b, 31st Issoudun 5670b and Schoon Blauwke nest sister 1st ACE KF Zuiderkempen, etc from Zoon Goede Blauw and Stammoeder. Dam B19/254 a gdtr of Kareltje and Godelief.
Lot 50 22 Z 54527 Pencil C direct from Brigitte Bordeaux. Sire SON OSCAR a direct son of OSCAR 1st Section 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 2013 503 miles and Miss Perfect from KEZIE 1st Open NRCC Lerwick etc. Dam BRIGITTE BORDEUAX 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux 553 miles by 29 ypm, gson of Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and North Star, 400 miles on the day as YB from Angers and flew Tarbes on the day.
Lot 51 22 Z 54528 Pencil/WF C direct from Brigitte Bordeaux. Sire SON OSCAR a direct son of OSCAR 1st Section 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 2013 503 miles and Miss Perfect from KEZIE 1st Open NRCC Lerwick etc. Dam BRIGITTE BORDEUAX 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux 553 miles by 29 ypm, gson of Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and North Star, 400 miles on the day as YB from Angers and flew Tarbes on the day.
Lot 52 22 Z 54538 Cheq C a gson of Georges Boy 1st Open MNFC Vire 6917b, (7 mins Lead) from OSCAR 1st Sect 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles also 1st Club, 1st Fed 1st MSC & RPRA Award and KEZIE 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles.
Lot 53 22 Z 54578 CWF H a double g-child of KEZIE 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles and Kezie was the G-sire of 1st Open MNFC Brigitte Bordeaux 2014.
Lot 54 22 Z 54590 Blue C 100% Dirk Vervoort. Sire B17/308 from SPRINTER KLAAS Brother to 11th NAT Bourges 9356b, 35th NAT Bourges 18826b 116th NAT Montlucon 11056b, 21st Sourdun 2845b etcfrom Olympic Sprinter and Klaastje 14th NAT Chateauroux 4757b, 29th NAT Bourges 8003b, 24th Gien 7916b, 10th Montlucan 1932b, 31st Issoudun 5670b and Schoon Blauwke nest sister 1st ACE KF Zuiderkempen, etc from Zoon Goede Blauw and Stammoeder. Dam B19/254 a gdtr of Kareltje and Godelief.
Lot 55 23 X 26009 D/P C A super bred Cuelemans. Sire 21/127 from the Den 024 sire of Nigel and a dtr of Georges Boy. Dam 17/985 direct dtr of Super 16 winner of 6000 euro for Ceulemans and B12/988.
Lot 56 23 X 26011 CWF H Inbred to Oscar 1st Section 1st Open NRCC Lerwick, Brigitte Bordeaux 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux and B12/643 direct from Ceulemans.
Lot 57 B23 Z 36019 Cheq H Gdtr of Oscar 1st Section 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and Brigitte Bordeaux 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux, Sire is a brother to Georges Boy 1st Open MNFC Vire.
Lot 58 23 Z 26045 Blue C Best Vervoort and Bristow lines. Sire 20/171 bred down from Father Rossi, Rosi won 1st NAT ACE Duivenblad Sprint and Erica 2 x 1st Section etc. Dam B20/101 bred by Dirk Vervoort from brother 7th NAT La Soutteriane 18588b.
Lot 59 23 Z 26046 Blue C Best Vervoort and Bristow lines. Sire 20/171 bred down from Father Rossi, Rossi won 1st NAT ACE Duivenblad Sprint and Erica 2 x 1st Section etc. Dam B20/101 bred by Dirk Vervoort from brother 7th NAT La Soutteriane 18588b.
Lot 60 23 Z 26047 Pencil C bred from a son of Oscar 1st Section 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and Brigitte Bordeaux 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux. Dam is 100% Luc Vervoort
Lot 61 23 Z 26048 Blue H “Georgie’s Blue” direct from Sire Georges Boy 1st Open MNFC Vire 6917b, (7 mins Lead). GSire OSCAR 1st Sect 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles also 1st Club, 1st Fed 1st MSC & RPRA Award. GDam Miss Perfect (Casseart) stock hen, dam to the sire of 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux, from Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick when paired to “996” 5 x 1st + RPRA Award. Dam 21/128 a dtr of B07/024 from Ceulemans and a dtr if Georges Boy when paired to a dtr of Nigel & Josie.
Lot 62 23 Z 26051 H sire is 100% Ceulemans Cock that’s bred from the famous UNRUNG Ceulemans and B12/883. Dam B19/260 bred by Dirk Vervoort direct from the Superkweker.
Lot 63 23 Z 26065 Cheq H A gdtr of Rod Sparkes Siler Bullet and Jan, these are parents of Tuwaity 8 x 1st 1st Fed 3014b etc. Dam B19/501 bred by Dirk Vervoort.
Lot 64 23 Z 26070 Blue H Top distance lines. Sire 16/835 from KEZIE 1st Section 1st Open LRCC Lerwick 503 miles, and a dtr of BRIGITTE BORDEUAX 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux 553 miles. Dam Liviu bred down from Monar 1st NAT INT Narbonne 13335b (Lot 21).
Lot 65 23 Z 26120 Blue H A gdtr of Georges Boy 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Vire 2016 when paired to a dtr of Nigel and Josie 1st Yearling Classic.
Lot 66 23 Z 26140 Cheq H best Ceulemans and Bristow, a gdtr of Father Rossi, Rossi won 1st NAT ACE Duivenblad Sprint and Johns Choice 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Lessay.
Lot 67 23 Z 26204 Blue H 100% Dirk Vervoort. Sire B18/444 from Brother 7th NAT Gueret 18588b and dam of 7th Nat La Soutteriane 18588b Sire B19/282 direct from Sprinter Klaas and a dtr of Brother 7th NAT Gueret 18588b and dam of 7th Nat La Soutteriane 18588b.
Lot 68 23 Z 26225 Blue H bred from a son of Oscar 1st Section 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and Brigitte Bordeaux 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux. Dam is 100% Luc Vervoort
Lot 69 23 X 26234 Pencil C Direct son Brigitte Bordeaux Sire Brother of Georges Boy 1st Open Vire MNFC 5917b, direct from Oscar 1st Sect 1st Open Lerwick 2013, 503 miles and Miss Perfect from Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and 996 5 x 1st. Dam BRIGITTE BORDEUAX 1st Section 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux 553 miles by 29 ypm, gson of Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick and North Star, 400 miles on the day as YB from Angers and flew Tarbes on the day.
Lot 70 23 Z 26249 DP C direct from Sire Georges Boy 1st Open MNFC Vire 6917b, (7 mins Lead). GSire OSCAR 1st Sect 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 milesalso 1st Club, 1st Fed 1st MSC & RPRA Award. GDam Miss Perfect (Casseart) stock hen, dam to the sire of 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux, from Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick when paired to “996” 5 x 1st + RPRA Award. Dam “Gdtr Georges Boy” from B07/024 from Ceulemans and dtr of Georges Boy 1st Open MNFC Vire.
Lot 71 23 Z 26291 Blue C bred down from the Gold Medal winner Dortmund Olympiade Sprint and Josie 1st Yearling Classic Classic 1st Sect MNFC Carentan, 1st Sect 1st Fed Fougeres, 2nd Sect Vire, 1st Queens Jubilee & Tranter Loft, 1st RPRA Award
Lot 72 23 Z 26297 Cheq C bred down from the Gold Medal winner Dortmund Olympiade Sprint.
Lot 73 23 Z 26298 Cheq C line of Oscar 1st Open NRCC Lerwick, Bridigite Bordeaux, Dam Syndicate Hen down from King Kanon and Blue Fox.
Lot 74 24 Z 23502 Blue C Ceulemans x Dirk Vervoort bred down from Father Rossi and Blauwe Soetewye sire of 11th NAT Issoudon 11984b, 1st Asduif Beyers Jo, from De Blauwe Soete sire of 1st Prov Salbris,1st Arlon etc and Mooi Blauwke.
Lot 75 24 Z 23511 Cheq H bred down from Favoriot 1st Fed Berwick, Erica 2 x 1st Section Nigel and Josie1st Yearling Classic Classic 1st Sect MNFC Carentan, 1st Sect 1st Fed Fougeres, 2nd Sect Vire, 1st Queens Jubilee & Tranter Loft, 1st RPRA Award.
Lot 76 24 Z 23526 Blue H Ceulemans based down from Super 16 winner of 6000 euro and sire and gsire of winners.
Lot 77 24 Z 23548 BP H A gdtr of Blauwe Soetewye sire of 11th NAT Issoudon 11984b, 1st Asduif Beyers Jo, from De Blauwe Soete sire of 1st Prov Salbris,1st Arlon etc and Het Blauwke.
Lot 78 24 Z 23553 Cheq C best long distance lines of OSCAR 1st Sect 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 milesalso 1st Club, 1st Fed 1st MSC & RPRA Award and Bridgitte Bordeaux 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux.
Lot 79 24 Z 23558 Cheq C down from OSCAR 1st Sect 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles also 1st Club, 1st Fed 1st MSC & RPRA Award and Miss Perfect (Casseart) stock hen, dam to the sire of 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux, from Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick when paired to “996” 5 x 1st + RPRA Award.
Lot 80 24 Z 23559 Blue H down from OSCAR 1st Sect 1st Open NRCC Lerwick 503 miles also 1st Club, 1st Fed 1st MSC & RPRA Award and Miss Perfect (Casseart) stock hen, dam to the sire of 1st Open MNFC Bordeaux, from Kezie 1st Open NRCC Lerwick when paired to “996” 5 x 1st + RPRA Award.
Lot 81 24 Z 23574 Cheq C Gson of SPRINTER KLAAS Brother to 11th NAT Bourges 9356b, 35th NAT Bourges 18826b 116th NAT Montlucon 11056b, 21st Sourdun 2845b etcfrom Olympic Sprinter and Klaastje 14th NAT Chateauroux 4757b, 29th NAT Bourges 8003b, 24th Gien 7916b, 10th Montlucan 1932b, 31st Issoudun 5670b. G-Dam 19/751 bred by Luc Vervoort from son Kareltje and Thys Duiven when paired to a sister of 1st ACE GHF Zuiderkempen
Lot 82 24 Z 23575 Cheq h Gson of SPRINTER KLAAS Brother to 11th NAT Bourges 9356b, 35th NAT Bourges 18826b 116th NAT Montlucon 11056b, 21st Sourdun 2845b etcfrom Olympic Sprinter and Klaastje 14th NAT Chateauroux 4757b, 29th NAT Bourges 8003b, 24th Gien 7916b, 10th Montlucan 1932b, 31st Issoudun 5670b. G-Dam 19/751 bred by Luc Vervoort from son Kareltje and Thys Duiven when paired to a sister of 1st ACE GHF Zuiderkempen.
Lot 83 17 Z 19985 Cheq/P H a direct dtr of Super 16. Sire SUPER 16 winner of 6000 euros a YB for Cuelemans from De Pikker and B02/902. Dam 12/988 bred by Ceulemans.
The following lots are direct from Eric Ceulemans, brief details only
Lot 84 B24 6040139 Blue H Bred by Eric Ceulemans, Belgium
Lot 85 B24 6040140 Blue H Bred by Eric Ceulemans, Belgium
Lot 86 B24 6040223 Cheq H Bred by Eric Ceulemans, Belgium
Lot 87 B24 6040232 Grizzle C Bred by Eric Ceulemans, Belgium
Lot 88 B24 6040241 Cheq C Bred by Eric Ceulemans, Belgium
Lot 89 B24 6040242 Cheq H Bred by Eric Ceulemans, Belgium
Lot 90 B24 6040244 Blue C Bred by Eric Ceulemans, Belgium
Lot 91 B24 6040251 Blue C Bred by Eric Ceulemans, Belgium
Lot 92 B24 6040255 Blue/P H Bred by Eric Ceulemans, Belgium
Details to follow