Thurso Sunday
Well, the pigeons are ‘not’ coming home today. The sky is not proving good enough for a liberation and with still the threat of rain the convoyer has called a ‘hold over’. Enjoy...
Pigeon in Rain copy
Thurso Saturday 13th
Due to rain at Thurso and heavy rain down the east coast of Scotland the NRCC are calling a holdover. Please call back tomorrow for further updates. Thank you.
Ross Lark with his winner
No Larking about for Ross as he wins the Kings Cup
The Northlink Ferries sponsored Lerwick race is the most awaited and prestigious race on the NRCC’s calendar and it finally arrived on June 29th.  With many a fancier spending extra time in and around...
Lerwick Away
The Lerwick birds were liberated at 05:30hrs in a light north west wind turning west on route. All the birds have left the crates and cleared te site. The North Sea in clear and we have good visibility...